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Emergency Overnight Shelter

About the Program

S.H.I.F.T’s Emergency Overnight Shelter Program provides emergency shelter to those with no housing alternatives, serving adults and youth (16+), of all genders, within South Simcoe.

The focus of the program is on provision of shelter while assisting participants to access resources for community-building.  Our aim is to support participants in feeling that they belong to and are engaged in the community.  As a short-term, housing-focused shelter, the program is intended to bridge the gap between entering homelessness and moving into safe and sustainable housing.


The admission process consists of a brief intake interview, which includes a conversation about housing alternatives, providing basic information for intake into the program and completion of program entry documentation.  Returning participants will check-in with the Intake Worker daily to provide updates on housing-related activities and progress in securing safe and appropriate housing or housing alternatives.

Participants are encouraged to work independently to create a sustainable plan to move to a safe longer-term location in the community.  Staff are available to assist participants in their housing-related needs, as requested.  This may include, but is not limited to, applications for social services, job and housing searches, and referrals to health, mental health, or social supports as needed. 

Located at 123 Victoria St. W. in Alliston

Call us: 705-435-7293

Email us:


Hours of operation*:  

Daily – 7:30PM – 8:00AM



- in-person or by phone - 11:00AM-6:00PM

- in-person - 7:00PM-8:30PM

Curfew - 11:00PM

Late intakes subject to capacity and availabiity.

*Hours are subject to change

Now operating year-round!

Folded Bedding on Tatami Mat

What you can expect:

  • Daily intake/admission that includes a brief intake interview, which includes a conversation about housing alternatives, providing basic information for intake into the program and completion of program entry documentation.


  • Daily check-ins regarding housing-related activities and progress in securing safe and appropriate housing or housing alternatives.

  • Assistance from staff in your housing-related needs. This may include assistance in completing applications for social services, job and housing searches, and referrals to health, mental health, or social supports as needed.

  • A dedicated team of staff and volunteers helping to make you feel safe and supported.

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