Supporting S.H.I.F.T.
Your financial contributions help to support our vital programs and services!
Did you know that your donations allow us to continue operating our programs and services within the 5 municipalities that make up South Simcoe to better serve the needs of our community and those who are in experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity. You can help someone make a shift for good in their circumstances.
Support can be provided to S.H.I.F.T. in various ways, click to learn more:
Provide gifts to S.H.I.F.T. in a way that you prefer, such as:
Faith Groups
We are thankful to the faith groups that support our organization and those we serve daily. Connect with us to learn more.
Annual Contribution
Annual contributions allow people to make a yearly donation as a group, individual, company and more. Donations can be made online, in-person or by mail.
Volunteer with us through in person and at home opportunities. Group opportunities are also available.
Monthly Contributions
A monthly donation is a great way to make a lasting impact over a period of time. No donation is too small.
E-Transfer is an easy and accessible way to donate.
You can fundraise on behalf of shift in various ways. Check out our Third Party Fundraising package or contact us to learn more.
One Time Contribution
Your one-time contribution can make a lasting impact and it's a great way to show your support and you can donate on your own schedule.
That's right! We also accept cryptocurrency! Click the link below to donate. Questions? email us info@shiftforgood.ca
Gift Card
As we have very little storage space, gift cards can be the best option for support!
Suggested gift cards:
Small denomination cards for local fast food restaurants
Grocery cards - Giant Tiger, Zehrs, Walmart, FreshCo, Candian Tire, Uline, Dollarama, wholesale, Costco, etc.
Planned Giving
An annual contribution allows people to make a yearly donation as a group, individual, company and more. Donations can be made online, in-person or by mail.
Annual Contribution
An annual contribution allows people to make a yearly donation as a group, individual, company and more. Donations can be made online, in-person or by mail.